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Tungsol Preamp Tube 12AX7

Zum Vergrößern in das Bild klicken
- Tung-Sol 12AX7 ( ECC83 )
- Russische Neuauflage
- ursprünglich amerikanische Marke TungSol
ampelsofort lieferbar
Tungsol Preamp Tube 12AX7
According to the manufacturer:
- this Tungsol 12AX7 is the Ultimate 12AX7
- Big, warm, and musical.
- High Gain, ultra-low microphonics and superb linearity with a
dynamic 3-D sound.

Unser Tip:
- has the gain and drive of a Chinese 12AX7
- the pure tone of a Mullard or Brimar
- neutral, little warm sound
- ideal for Rock, Jazz and Pop Musical Amps (british sounds)
* inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten