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ECC83S JJ Electronic Preamp Tube

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- Preamp Tube
- red Label selected
- Doppeltriode
- Vergleichstyp 12AX7A
ampelsofort lieferbar
ECC83S JJ Electronic Preamp Tube
Great sound for you're using a combo amp and find the Philips
a little rich sounding, the JJ ECC83 may be your solution

This tube sports a different plate design than found in most
12AX7's. When you look at them you can't help but think that they
must be rugged and good for the musician on the road. The compact
plate structure does nothing to dampen their sound or dynamic
response. I find them to be well balanced. While not as
harmonically rich as others I tested, they do provide high gain
without the usual noise and microphonic problems you would expect.

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