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Acoustic Pop Guitar Solos 4

Zum Vergrößern in das Bild klicken
Michael Langer
- Acoustic Pop guitar solos
- Band 4
- Mittel
ampelsofort lieferbar
Acoustic Pop Guitar Solos 4

- Brother in arms
- Don't know why
- Eleanor rigby / Beatles
- Every breath you take / Police
- Fields of gold / Sting
- Go west
- I kissed a girl / Katy Perry
- Knockin' on heaven's door
- Lei it be / Beatles
- Love is all around / Wet Wet Wet
- Mighty quinn
- Sittin' on the dock of the bay / Otis Redding
- Smoke on the water / Deep Purple
- Stand by me
- Streets of London
- The Rose
- Wake me up when september ends / Green Day
- Wonderful tonight / Eric Clapton
- You take my breath away

Verlag: Musikverlag Dux
Verlagsnummer: D 884
EAN: 9783868493306
ISMN: 978-3-86849-330-6
ISBN: 978-3-86849-330-6

* inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten