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25 Standards Volume 1

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25 Standards 1
- incl CD
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25 Standards Volume 1

- As time goes by
- Begin the beguine
- Blue moon
- Chattanooga Choo Choo
- Cheek to cheek
- Ebb tide
- Everybody loves somebody
-Georgia on my mind
- Hymne a l'amour
-La vie en rose
- Love is a many splendored thing
- Love letters in the sand
- Moonlight serenade
- My way
- Night and day
- Over the rainbow
- People
- Petite fleur
- Singin' in the rain
- Solitude
- Star dust
- Stranger in paradise
- Strangers in the night
- The shadow of your smile

Verlag: Edizione Carisch srl
Verlagsnummer: ML 2570
EAN: 9788850709229
ISBN: 978-88-50709-22-9

* inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten