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Don Davis & Carolin Davis Sound System Engineering

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Don & Carolin Davis
- Sound System Engineering
- Second Edition

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Don Davis & Carolin Davis Sound System Engineering
Like the first edition, Sound System Engineering is a comprehensive text.... useful in the day-to-day work of designing sound Systems. It is a practical manual that carefully examines a step-by-step method of accurately predicting such variables as acoustic gain, clarity of sound, and required electrical input power while plans are still on the drawing board. This approach can save your clients thousands of dollars.
Written by a husband and wife team recognized as authorities in the field of audio engineering, the book covers such topics as:
The history of audio
Audio mathematics
Using the decibel and matching impedance
Interfacing electrical and acoustic Systems
Determining loudspeaker directivity and coverage
The acoustic environment including large- and small-room acoustics
Designing for speech intelligibility and acoustic gain
Equipment, such as microphones, loudspeakers and loudspeaker arrays,
and delay devices
Audio and acoustic Instrumentation
Emphasizing the time-energy-frequency analyzer, the authors discuss problems that might occur in a sound system as it evolves through design, installation, equalization, Operation, and maintenance.
The book contains 19 heavily illustrated, information-packed chapters and 11 appendixes.
This accurate, complete, and concise tool is a necessary addition to the library of anyone involved in audio engineering.
Don and Carolyn Davis form a unique husband and wife team. They shared in the pioneer development of sound-system-room equalization. Their company, Synergetic Audio Concepts (Syn-Aud-Con), presents seminars in sound System design, installation, Operation, and maintenance techniques. Syn-Aud-Con is also a leader in audio consulting.
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