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Rolling Stones, Guitar chord songbook

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Rolling Stones
- Guitar chord songbook
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Rolling Stones, Guitar chord songbook

- Angie / Rolling Stones
-Anybody seen my baby / Rolling Stones
- Beast of burden / Rolling Stones
- Dance little sister
- Doo doo doo doo doo (Heartbreaker) / Rolling Stones
- Doom and gloom
- Emotional rescue / Rolling Stones
- Faraway eyes / Rolling Stones
- Fool to cry / Rolling Stones
- Hang fire / Rolling Stones
- Happy / Rolling Stones
- If you can't rock me / Rolling Stones
- It's only rock 'n' roll (but I like it) / Rolling Stones
- Little red rooster / Rolling Stones
- Memory motel / Rolling Stones
- Miss you
- Not fade away
- One hit / Rolling Stones
- Respectable
- Rip this joint / Rolling Stones
- Rock and a hard place / Rolling Stones
- Rocks off
- Rough justice / Rolling Stones
- Shake your hips / Rolling Stones
- Shattered / Rolling Stones
- She's so cold / Rolling Stones
- Slave
- Start me up / Rolling Stones
- The Harlem shuffle / Rolling Stones
- Time is on my side / Rolling Stones
- Tumbling dice / Rolling Stones
- Undercover (of the night) / Rolling Stones
- Waiting on a friend / Rolling Stones
- When the whip comes down / Rolling Stones
- You got me rocking

Komponist/Autor: Rolling Stones / Rolling Stones
Verlag: Edition Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL 137716
EAN: 888680028244
ISBN: 978-1-4950-0078-2

* inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten